Pink or Blue??? What do you think???
The anticipated halfway mark, or 20 week ultrasound where they can determine if it's a boy or it's a girl….
Many people look forward to this moment so they can pick their blue or pink themed nurseries. Pick out cute little dresses or little boys clothes. Have gender reveal parties, etc.
But then there are those who want to wait until delivery day arrives. What better surprise than going through labor and hearing it's a….!!!!!
So what am I???
I want to be surprised. Although my husband wants to find out I think I will win this battle.
I'm not really a pink or blue person to begin with, so going all neutral themes is right up my alley. And it's a money saver because I'm sure I'd already have a room full of stuff if I knew the gender (same for some family members...wink, wink)
After everything we've been through it doesn't matter to me either way as long as it's a healthy little baby. And you will never get that moment back of hearing for the first time after how many hours of delivery what it is…and to me that's some good motivation to push!!!
So here's a few wives tale predictions..although for every friend I know it has been true I know 3 that it has not been true… especially the morning sickness one. So take them for what you will.. Wives tales that's all they are.. And stay tuned to see if I fit the mold….
How you are carrying..
High -pink
Low - blue
I'd say it's too early to tell, although I've got a super short torso so I'm pretty sure there will be no high low it will just be there, it already feels like my uterus is in my sternum. Tie here for now.
Baby weight- basketball vs football?
If you are carrying in front it's a boy, spaced all around belly it's a girl...
We’ve all heard the basketball it’s a boy, football it’s a girl. Although again I’ve had some friends who were all belly in front and had a girl.
I’d say it's too early to say. Tie here for now.
It’s all about that beat...Heartbeat…
It is said if the heartbeat is above 140 it’s a girl, below 140 it’s a what if it’s 140 exactly???
As of now this is a resounding girl here.. Although I haven’t gotten specific numbers since the beginning which was 176, 165, 146, every appointment since with the doppler they’ve had a really hard time finding it, but then when they did said it’s in the 140’s.
If you are craving sweet it's a girl, salty it's a boy…
Although I've always loved sweet and salty things, salty things taste way too salty these days and I definitely have devoured way too many sweets as of late
Give me those cookies and donuts and chocolate.. Girl
If you are breaking out it's a girl
This one sadly I feel like a 13 year old I've got this one hands down.. I’ve been waiting for my face to clear up for months now...Girl
Ring on a string
If it swings in a circle it's a boy, swings back and forth it's a girl
But I've seen it listed as the opposite as well.
Tried with my necklace and it was back and forth. But I believe this is one is all how the string holder lets go of the ring. So tie here. Not sure I fall for this one.
Do you have nausea and morning sickness? It's a girl. If you’re not sick it's a boy...
Although I’d say I had some slight food aversions early on, where I couldn’t even take more than a bite of meat, I’d still say Boy wins it here.
Mood swings..
If you have them it's a girl
Pretty sure my hubby would say they're in full force.. Sorry babe.. Girl
Linea nigra
That weird line that some people get on their belly, if it continues above the belly button it’s a boy, below belly button it’s a girl
Nothing yet, Girl Here.
A big boob
Right breast larger? It’s a Boy , left side it’s a girl
Sorry TMI, but Girl here.
Chinese calendar
Look it up online, it uses your age and month of conception.
Evens or odds
If your age and year of conception are both even or odd it’s a girl
If one is even and one is odd it’s a boy
So based on these wives tales it’s a landslide for girl. 7-2
My husband says it’s a boy, although that I’m sure it is brought on because that’s what he wants (although he’d be happy with either) and I say girl (mostly just to bug him) :)
But from our first appointment that we found out it was twins, I immediately thought they were 2 girls. Myself being a twin, twin girls, I thought it was like me and my sister. :) Then when we lost one and they weren’t sure about the heartbeat of the other I remember we left the appointment and my husband said you and the baby drive me nuts..I looked at him and must be a girl then.. :)
But from our first appointment that we found out it was twins, I immediately thought they were 2 girls. Myself being a twin, twin girls, I thought it was like me and my sister. :) Then when we lost one and they weren’t sure about the heartbeat of the other I remember we left the appointment and my husband said you and the baby drive me nuts..I looked at him and must be a girl then.. :)
Have these wives tales been true for you?? So what will our little one be? I guess you’ll have to wait and see. :)
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